adresse iconPeter-Tunner-Straße 23, 8700 Leoben 



What happens to my application?

It is very important to us that your applications and therefore your data are processed with discretion. Therefore, when we receive an application, it will only be reviewed by the person responsible for it. This also applies to any requests you send us by e-mail.

You can find the current members of our social department team here:

After checking your details and any queries, a grant can be issued directly. This is done by the referent in cooperation with the case worker.

In the last step, the formal approval is also approved and signed by the Department of Economic Affairs and the chairmanship. Once this has been done, there is nothing standing in the way of payment, which is made by our secretary.

This means that the application has been processed and can be put to bed.

There is never a legal entitlement to a grant awarded or processed by the ÖH Leoben. The processing of an application can take up to 2 weeks, if you have not heard back from us after 2 weeks, please contact us again by e-mail!

We ask for your understanding that there may be delays during a lecture-free period.

Procedure for applications for psychological counseling:

When it comes to psychological counseling, the approval process works a little differently, as it is especially important to us here to offer the maximum possible anonymity for you. Therefore, applications are not checked and filed by students. The control is done by the secretariat of the ÖH Leoben. Only in exceptional cases (in case of problems with the upload or in case of applications that do not comply with the guidelines) the social department will be involved. In these cases the responsible person will take care of the clarification of the open points.

As soon as our secretary has received all the necessary information and the application complies with the guidelines, the application can be approved and signed by the Social and Economic Department. As soon as this has been done, there is nothing standing in the way of payment, which will be made by our secretary.

The application has now been processed and can be put aside.

Notes on the proof of social need:

Many students mistakenly think that the declaration of subsidies such as family allowance, study allowance, scholarships and subsidies from other agencies (Caritas, ...) has a negative effect on their application for funding. ("I am already supported by other agencies anyway.").

However, this is not the case! The indication of already received grants shows us that other agencies also consider the social neediness to be justified, therefore it is always good to indicate any aid already received. This also means that if student aid was received (and has now been discontinued for whatever reason) or the student aid notice is negative, it can be helpful to share this information with us.


 Investment bonus

Psychological counseling:


Social fund

Study with child



Funding pot

File upload


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