Consultant: Julia Retter
Administrators: Elena Dvorak, Lisa Hahn, Hélena Konrad, Tanja Kummer, Dariia Nemazana, Melanie Rauch
Consultation Hours: Tuesday 09:00 -10:00 at the ÖH office. We ask for pre-registration by e-mail
We are your first point of contact for all questions relating to grants and financial aid for your studies. This includes, for example, study and family allowances or other scholarships. In particularly difficult situations, we will put you in touch with lawyers from the Federal Representation of Students ("Bundesvertretung") to provide you with the best possible support.
We also advise you on all aspects of studying with children, studying under difficult conditions, working and housing.
We take your concerns seriously and of course treat them with absolute confidentiality! If you would like to report an incident or problem, you can either send it to us by email or use our anonymous contact form.
We are particularly proud of the projects of the ÖH Leoben, which are supervised or handled by the Social Department, such as the Mensa card ("Mensa Ausweis"), the parental allowance ("Elternstartgeld") and psychological counseling for students.
In addition to our own funding, we are also responsible for awarding the housing subsidy from the City of Leoben ("Wohnförderung"), the canteen subsidy ("Mensabeihilfe") from the Province of Styria ("Land Steiermark") and the childcare subsidy ("Kinderbetreuungszuschuss") from the Rectorate.
We will keep you regularly informed about the various applications and grants, application deadlines etc. by email and on our homepage.
If you would like more information about the funding, or if you have any questions or problems, you are welcome to contact us by email at any time. We also hold weekly consultation hours where you can come to us in person with your concerns.