For the first time can we now offer courses during the semsterbreak, so that you can make good use of the lecture-free time - and srill have time for other activities!
- Exam Prep courses TOEFL/IELTS (641.543, 2 ECTS; 35 €): 13.02. - 24.02.2023, Mo -Fri, every day 17:30 - 19:00 + asynchronous (independent) learning
- Learn easier. Stay motivated. (641.519 + 641.521, total 0,53 ECTS; total 25 €): Monday, 13.02., 27.02. + 13.03.2023, 16:00 - 18:00 + asynchronous learning. Please note: this course is conducted in German.
The vacation courses can be found in Mu Online under the winter semester 2022/23. Registration for courses in the summer semester is possible at any time on Mu Online.