adresse iconPeter-Tunner-Straße 23, 8700 Leoben 
Mar 08, 2021


Liebe Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen, wir alle stehen in unserem Studium vor der Abgabe einer wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit und hier… weiterlesen

The elections for the Austrian Students' Union (ÖH) take place every two years - and this year it's that time again. From May 18th to 20th you can choose your student representative, university representative and federal representative. All important information and dates can be found in the following article.


All students who have paid the ÖH fee on time by March 30th, 2021, are entitled to vote.


The election at our university will take place from May 18-20, 2021. From March 31st to May 11th you can vote by postal vote.


  • Student Representation (STV)

The STV is the representative in your specific field of study. They are the direct contact people for study-specific questions and get in contact with the respective institutes and chairs. The study representatives are elected directly through a choice of people. If you are interested in getting involved as a student representative for your field of study, it is best to contact your STV directly or us - your ÖH Leoben - and we will explain how you can get involved.

  • University Representation (UV)

For the university representation, you can choose the local parliamentary groups here in Leoben. The university representatives are made up of 9 mandataries, who are sent by the various parliamentary groups. These elect the chairing team of the ÖH and the speakers. Further tasks of the UV are handling applications for the benefit of the students as well as sending people to the collegial bodies of the university, such as the Senate.

  • Federal Representation (BV)

The federal representation represents all students across Austria towards the government. For this purpose, students are sent to working groups of the Ministry of Education, statements on laws are written and much more. It is composed of 55 mandatars, who are also sent by the parliamentary groups represented nationwide.


  • Polling station at the university

From May 18th to May 20th you can cast your vote at the polling station at the university. We are currently working on a concept where and how we can ensure that the election is held in accordance with Covid-19 policies. You get the voting card directly at the polling station. For the federal and university representatives, parliamentary groups can be elected. People are elected directly in the STV.

You must bring an officially valid photo ID and a ballpoint pen.

There is more information about the exact process, but the process of the election is basically as follows: You identify yourself to the electorate with your photo ID. You will then receive three ballot papers (one each for the federal, university and study direction representatives) and an envelope, and go to the voting booth. You put your X, put all three ballot papers in the envelope, and throw it in the ballot box. Then you leave the building.

  • Postal vote

From March 31st to May 11th you can apply for your voting card for postal voting. Only the university and federal representatives can be elected by postal vote. The student representatives can NOT be elected by postal vote. If you voted by postal vote, you cannot re-elect in the polling station at our university. For this reason, we only recommend postal voting to all those who really cannot vote in Leoben.

Further information and dates:

On March 31st there will be an information evening of the ÖH Leoben to choose from, whereby questions can be put to us in advance via email or social media. Click here on the Webex link (password: GtAWMnag568).

On May 4th, the top candidates will present themselves at the federal level.

All information about the election as well as the safety regulations can be found from April 6th at

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