adresse iconPeter-Tunner-Straße 23, 8700 Leoben 

BP Presentation - 4th Industrial Revolution in O&G


Thomas Gundacker, MUL Alumni und verantwortlich für modernizing & transforming BP, wird uns in Leoben besuchen und erklären, warum wir die “4. Industrielle Revolution” nicht außer Acht lassen sollen!

Thema: “Another Industrial revolution in an increasingly uncertain world? What it may mean for us.”

Schaut vorbei und findet es heraus!

SPE Student Chapter Leoben

Thomas Gundacker, MUL Alumni and responsible for modernizing & transforming BP, will be visiting us in Leoben to talk to us about the unavoidable and fast approaching “4th Industrial Revolution” and tells us why WE should care!

Topic: “Another Industrial revolution in an increasingly uncertain world? What it may mean for us.”

Come and find out! We can´t wait to see you there!

SPE Student Chapter Leoben

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