adresse iconPeter-Tunner-Straße 23, 8700 Leoben 
Mar 08, 2021


Liebe Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen, wir alle stehen in unserem Studium vor der Abgabe einer wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit und hier… weiterlesen
Oct 17, 2020

Bergkittelaktion 2020

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Für viele von euch tut sich im Lauf des Studiums der Wunsch auf, auch bei der Kleidung montanistischen… weiterlesen

Did you know that 74 out of every 100 children from academic families start university? The number of those who also successfully complete their studies is even lower - there is often a lack of family support or a supportive environment.

To promote equal opportunities in education, Speed Up Buddy was launched, a free mentoring platform for students who are the first to study in their families. Mentors who already successfully have both feet on the ground in professional life, have a similar background and/or can put themselves in the students' shoes offer free 1on1 mentoring.

They are successful experts at market-leading companies such as McKinsey, Procter & Gamble and dynamic start-ups and support students with semesters abroad, internships and jobs, application processes, getting a job and, of course, all kinds of questions about studying. The coaching can also take place completely online, so it's a great way to support students despite the Corona restrictions and at the same time counteract insecurities in difficult times. As of the beginning of November, the project already has 227 registered mentors and 117 mentees and we hope that some of you will also find a place there.

Are you interested and do you feel addressed? Then take a look at the homepage, or write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..