adresse iconPeter-Tunner-Straße 23, 8700 Leoben 

The "Bierauszug" (beer procession) is the final traditional event of the academic year in Leoben. It always takes place at the end of June, close to the last academic ceremony.

Historical note: In the past, there were two beer processions, one after the Ledersprung and one before the summer holidays, which still takes place today. At that time, "Auszügler" were students who had received the Absolutorium, a certificate confirming that they had attended all compulsory courses.


Today, students who are no longer expected to be at the University of Leoben within a year are considered to have left the university. The beer procession begins in the afternoon with the formation of a procession, well supplied with beer from the Göss brewery, which marches off between the Gustav Adolf Church and the metallurgy building of the university.


At the head of the procession is a band, followed by the chargers of the Leoben corporations and a horse-drawn carriage from the brewery, on which the strollers are seated. Behind them walk the second-semester students, the fourth-semester students, etc., and the "slowpokes", each led by a plaque bearer with the respective semester inscribed on it.


The procession sings its way to the University of Leoben, where they line up in front of the old portal. The Rector, accompanied by some professors, stands on the ramp and accepts the request from the chairmen and the students to dismiss the students for the holidays. The rector then gives a cheerful speech. The students respond with "Vivat Academia", the fourth verse of the famous Latin student song "Gaudeamus Igitur".


The procession, now dismissed for the holidays, forms up again and moves towards the main square. There, at the miner's fountain, the "Leobner Lied" is sung, the lyrics of which are about the beautiful memories of the student days in Leoben. The procession then moves on to Massenburg Castle, where the beer procession ends cheerfully in the open air until the early hours of the morning.